Case Study: SECOND LIFE!

What is Second Life?
Launched in 2003 by Linden Lab, Second Life is the largest virtual world with 10's of thousands of million square meters of virtual land. We make personal Avatars which spend time in the vast amount of locations that have been created for the purpose of education, socializing, entertainment and commerce.

Why is Second Life significant?
The attraction for many academics and researches is the extent to which the environment serves as a legitamate surrogate for the real world. This allows users to inhabit persona's and situations which are unavailable to them. For example, a middle aged man can become a young hip woman for the day at which they can be exposed to attitudes and behaviours that a person of that gender might experience in the real world.

How does it Work?
Firstly, one must install the Second Life application. Then one must create a personal avatar and name. These avatars are able to be changed at any time and creating new options are available as well as buying new props such as a guitar. One can buy linden money (virtual money) where an avatar can buy land, go shopping and spend money. Avatars are able to chat, teleport, walk, fly, use gestures such as wave, dance and sit. Avatars can do all that we can and more...

Peace out. Alex.